
Append a text at the end of several lines

:%s/$/text to append/

  • You can add gc at the end if you want confirmation for each replacement like :%s/$/text to append/gc
  • To append the text only to some lines say between line 10 to 27 :10,27s/$/text to append/

Ref : Stackover Flow

To add same text at the beginning of several consecutive lines

  1. Visually select a block using Ctrl+v followed by arrow keys.
  2. Without Escaping Shift+i and type whatever text you want (say #
    to comment several lines. You can type as many characters as you need.) Then

Format text

This is useful when you write long text. When writing, go on typing to put the
thoughts on paper the computer. Later one was use format commands to make
it look better.

gqap : Format the current paragraph

It will make all the lines of <textwidth> long by adding a line break where

While it does not matter for markdown (since the rendered HTML doesn't care
about line breaks anyway) but
when you are looking at the raw markdown, the
long line trouble me.