
Render Text

During early development, it is easy to just render a text.

Most tutorials use render(conn, "show.html")- which requires one to create
view function, as well as show.html.eex

While this may be required later, there is an easy way

text(conn, "Hello #{user}")

There is also json(conn, my_json)

Action name conventions

  • index - renders a list of all items of the given resource type
  • show - renders an individual item by id
  • new - renders a form for creating a new item
  • create - receives params for one new item and saves it in a datastore
  • edit - retrieves an individual item by id and displays it in a form for editing
  • update - receives params for one edited item and saves it to a datastore
  • delete - receives an id for an item to be deleted and deletes it from a datastore
